

Stem cell research center

Imagine it. You work at a hospital. A young parent comes in, devastated that her child has been in an accident that could keep him from living a normal life. he will need many years of therapy and constant care. He won’t ever be the same because of a small misstep that caused him to be in so much pain that he has to be heavily sedated just to keep him from thrashing in his bed. Now imagine having to tell this young mother that things wont ever be the same for him. How would you tell her?

What if there was a place that could give them hope? Give them the possibility of getting their lives back?

Stem cell research. Since the beginning of its discovery it’s been a very controversial subject. This is mainly because to get hES (human embryonic stem) cells you have to destroy embryos to get these cells. hES cells can be manipulated to become any cell in the body[1]. They are a “blank slate”. You can put these cells into an area of the body that may need help. These cells would then take on the characteristics of other cells around it and could improve that part of your body.  It could significantly improve, if not cure, a disease, illness, or wound you may have.

There is also another way to get these cells without harming embryos and upsetting millions upon millions of people. Scientist take cells, put them under a lot of stress and like magic they are like stem cells. Ready to be molded into the greatness of its new environment.  There have been so many advances in this new area in such a short amount of time. Many experts would agree that this probably the future of medicine.

Problem is, there are hardly any stem cell research facilities in America.

After doing a great number of hours of research I was only able to locate a few clinics in the United States.[2] There really isn’t many to choose from and the are all very specialized. They only focus on one area. To advance like America always has we need to open more clinics. Opening one large research facility would create so many benefits. It would create jobs, hope, and of course medical advancements.

The funds to build such place would require private investors only. I believe that once they understand the results that will come out of the facility they will all be throwing money at it. They will all want to be in on when the first miracle happens. As long as a large group of investors is well informed by a very dedicated spokesman. Once there is work and accomplishments to show there will be more and more money rolling in.

In the clinical side there would be many people just waiting to volunteer. Many would want to receive treatment. they would have to sign many disclaimers and go through a few verbal interactions with a representative to make sure that they fully understand what is going to happen, what possible outcomes there are whether they are good or bad. 2000px-Stem_cell_treatments.svg

Picking a place to build this super research center could be as simple as finding a place where it would benefit the most. Where would it be easy to access? Would we want to put it in a well known area or a big city such as San Francisco or Chicago? A small town in South Dakota? One way to choose could be to have states offer different bids and their ideas for the facility. Then from those pick the best one suited for this enormous task.

This type of facility would create so many more jobs than the typical lab expert. There is a job for a  great number and array of people. there would have to be accountants, graphic designers, marketing experts, human resources, health and safety experts, purchasing and planning etc. As for the science side, a majority of workers there could be interns.  To them and other employers it will look great on resumes and will give them a type of experience you may not get anywhere else. If they decide they would like to pursue that career field then it could be possible to hire them. Many scientist would jump at a chance to work with stem cells. They would want to be that famed scientist to go down in history. These aren’t just scientist. There is a job in a lot of career fields. This would help boost the economy.






Works cited

Chandana Tekkatte, Gency Ponrose Gunasingh, K. M. Cherian, and Kavitha Sankaranarayanan, ““Humanized” Stem Cell Culture Techniques: The Animal Serum Controversy,” Stem Cells International, vol. 2011, Article ID 504723, 14 pages, 2011. doi:10.4061/2011/504723

Benson Gold, Rachel. “Embryonic Stem Cell Research—Old Controversy; New Debate.” 1 Oct. 2004. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. <https://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/tgr/07/4/gr070404.html&gt;.

Genetic Science Learning Center. “The Stem Cell Debate: Is It Over?.” Learn.Genetics 23 November 2014 <http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/stemcells/scissues/&gt; 

“Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Research, Ethics and Policy.” Human Reproduction. Oxford Journals. Web. <http://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/content/18/4/672.full&gt;.

“Stem Cell Research News.” Medical News Today. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/categories/stem_cell&gt;.

“NIH Stem Cell Research Funding, FY 2002–2013.” National Institutes of Health. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. <http://stemcells.nih.gov/research/funding/pages/Funding.aspx&gt;.

“Stem Cell Clinic List.” Stem Cells Freak. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. <http://www.stemcellsfreak.com/p/stem-cell-clinics-list.html&gt;.

[1] Benson Gold, Rachel. “Embryonic Stem Cell Research—Old Controversy; New Debate.” 1 Oct. 2004. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. <https://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/tgr/07/4/gr070404.html&gt;.

[2] “Stem Cell Clinic List.” Stem Cells Freak. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. <http://www.stemcellsfreak.com/p/stem-cell-clinics-list.html&gt;.



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